What It Is To Be Blue

What it is to be blue front cover

Bill Cronshaw’s humorous, nostalgic and wistful celebration of a life spent being a Manchester City fan is the basis of this launch of Bill’s book ‘What it is to be Blue’. (New Writing)

We will be at the Buxton Fringe on 9th and 10th July from 7pm-8pm in Venue 55c for the first public launch of Bill’s book ‘What it is to be Blue’ – An entertainment suitable for City fans aged 9-90 (under 16s free). Numbers are restricted so please purchase your tickets now!

Unfortunately with restrictions continuing until at least the 19th July we have decided not to go ahead with the planned ‘in person’ book launch at Buxton. In its place we are pleased to offer a Zoom event on Saturday 10th July 7-8pm. If you would like to join Bill online please complete the registration from at https://forms.gle/9tMXpio449uot3Xu9

Over the last few years, Bill Cronshaw of Dreamshed Theatre has written and staged a number of well-received City-related plays. The first one was ‘I’ll be Bert’, a tribute to the legendary Bert Trautmann. This was followed by ‘Maine Road Blues’ which celebrated City’s eighty years at Maine Road. Next up was ‘Shalalalalee’, which told the story of a fictitious City apprentice and his girlfriend during the Mercer and Allison glory years. More recently, ‘City 125 – The Club with no History’ celebrated City’s 125th anniversary in a revue-style show.

In addition to presenting these shows in Manchester, they have toured to all parts of the UK, performing to local City supporters’ clubs as well as to the general public in a range of venues and Arts festivals – often to sell-out audiences.

Bill, as a lifelong City fan of 65 years, is of course thrilled to be able to celebrate and share his support for City in this way. Of equal importance to him however, is the fact that in doing so, he is fulfilling one of Dreamshed Theatre’s guiding principles which is to bring live performance to the general public as well as regular theatregoers.

Bill’s new project aims to continue and build upon this tradition.